CMR research for Volume 53 available for download
By Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver
CMR Associate Editor

Perhaps nowhere is change more evident than in journalism. The world of communications is rapidly evolving, and as this evolution takes place, those of us who work with college and university student media sometimes need roller skates to keep up with what is happening with professional media in order to better prepare our students to go to work in that world.
Two of our authors in this volume of College Media Review deal with change and look at the issue of convergence, a word we hear all around us. Media organizations across the country are rushing to gure out how to converge their news operations, and readers and viewers are demanding more and faster options to get information. Campus media, however, are struggling with this issue and searching for the best model.
Mark Smith and Don Krause from Truman State University look at the topic in both print and broadcast operations in Missouri colleges and universities. Their article explores the status of convergence as well as its challenges and the reasons for the lack of convergence in numerous institutions.
Another take on the topic is the article by Lindsey Wotanis, Janice Richardson and Bowei Zhong of Marywood University who surveyed a broad range of advisers to ascertain if college media organizations are practicing convergence and, if so, to what extent. What they found out will be helpful to those faced with moving ahead and not knowing how to proceed.
With the credibility of media under such scrutiny and criticism today, admitting mistakes and providing swift and visible corrections are critical to building trust with the public. Kirstie Hettinga, California Lutheran University, Rosemary Clark, University of Pennsylvania, and Alyssa Appelman, Northern Kentucky University, discuss their study of how college and university student media are publicizing corrections and why some are not doing so. Student media can build credibility and respect from their campus audiences by giving strict attention to this issue.
It is frequently said that communicators are the worst communicators. From a practical standpoint, increasing readership or viewers is critical to survival. Carol Terracina-Hartman, Michigan State University, and Robert Nulph, Missouri Western State University, look at the visibility of student media on a selection of top campuses and discuss options for creating greater awareness for these operations and promoting them to on-campus audiences.
All these articles provide practical advice on current operational topics to assist advisers and editors as they strive to better serve their campus communities. The mission of College Media Review is to do just that by publishing research that you can use. We always welcome manuscripts which explore areas related to college media advising and student media from our colleagues.