SECOND PLACE Kiarash Abhari, Missouri Western State University (James Carviou);;
(This is the first time I feel free in New York. This is the first time I experienced not being lost in the New York subway for over three hours. I used to study finance at my previous university. When I visited New York before CMA, I saw it through the lens of economics. I spent many hours warming up to the Meryl Lynch bull down on Wall Street watching the numbers being tabulated. I was dressed as business woman ready to make a deal. At the moment, I am studying digital media and I serve as the design editor for my university yearbook. My perspective of New York has transformed. Going out outside of the business infrastructure of the city, I was able to meet people from all over the world. This allowed me to discover the opportunity the city has to offer through the lens of its diversity and aesthetic beauty. As I explore this new uncharted vision of the city, New York is becoming my dream!)