College Media research papers sought
By Lisa Lyon Payne
CMR Editor
Recently appointed CMA research chair, Elizabeth Smith, assistant professor of journalism and student media adviser at Pepperdine University, will organize two annual peer-reviewed research panels showcasing top scholarly research on all aspects of college media. Smith took her post in January 2018.

Smith says examining the various aspects of college media is critical in our role as advisers.
“I believe it is the responsibility of journalism faculty to produce high-quality research on topics most pertinent to college journalism and student journalists,” Smith said. “My own line of research has followed this passion, and I want to continue to encourage and support others to do so, as well.”
Paper submissions are being solicited for this summer’s panel at the Education for Journalism and Mass Communication conference in Washington, D.C. Each year at the AEJMC convention, the Council of Affiliates and College Media Association co-sponsor a panel devoted completely to current issues in college media. CMA also sponsors an academic research panel at the fall convention. Top papers are considered for publication in College Media Review.
All conference papers should be submitted, conforming to blind review standards, directly to Smith for consideration. AEJMC conference deadline is April 1.
“I believe in the mission of CMA, and I would like to help support it more closely as the voice of college media. I want to do my part for this organization,” she said.
See CMR’s story on the call for papers for more detail, or contact Elizabeth Smith at (310) 506-4568 or