Faring Well Despite Uncertain Times
Editor’s Note: This is the first in a two-part series on college media advising. This first article discusses the role of the adviser, salary/compensation packages and job characteristics. Part 2 will appear next week and profiles student media operations, including demographics, budgets, financing support, and staffing.
By Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver
Associate Editor, CMR
As the song says, “The times they are a-changin’”(1964). And that is true of the college and university student media scene as well.
The three decades since this survey was first conducted have witnessed tremendous changes in the way student media advisers do their jobs and in the way the media themselves deliver the message. The biggest change, of course, is in the media themselves which these individuals advise.

In order to trace those changes, over the past three decades the College Media Association has regularly surveyed its membership to provide longitudinal data on the role, responsibilities, working conditions, compensation and status of college and university student media advisers in the U.S. These surveys request data about the media operations they advise as well. This is the eighth survey in that series; the first was in 1984, followed by replications roughly every four years up to this one in 2014. Continue reading “Research (Vol. 51): College Student Media Advisers Fare Well”