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Print’s not dead and there is promising ad news, say observers

From the Editor’s Desk: As college media look to increase ad revenue in 2017-2018, there’s encouraging news on the national forefront.

Observers are predicting an uptick in national multi-media advertising, bolstered in part by native and digital ads.

And print advertising will remain relevant in 2018 and beyond, despite doomsayers who say print advertising is dead, according to a Sept. 27, 2017, article on

“But sometimes, in order to convince people of something, you need more than sung praises – you need science. Neuroscience has now proven that print ads make a better impression than digital ones,” the article says, in part. “Numerous studies have indicated that on a brain-chemistry level, people process print content with greater engagement and focus, not to mention a deeper emotional response, than they do content viewed on a screen.”

Nearly $200 billion will be spent in 2018 on media-directed advertising investments, according to That amount will be an increase, the website says, of 8.1 percent over 2017 spending, which registered only 1.5 percent more than the $181.5 billion spent by advertisers in 2016.

“In a model best described as a ‘rising tide lifting all ships,’ even newspaper and consumer magazine revenue declines will slow as their digital investments begin to bear fruit,” says the 2018 spending forecast on

For more information on ad projections for 2018, visit: