Letter from the Editor: Vol. 60

It is both my honor and privilege to re-introduce College Media Review, as well as myself as the publication’s new Editor-in-Chief.

First, about myself. I am a third-year adviser at Samford University, a private institution in Birmingham, Ala. I accepted a role as editor for CMR in late 2023, and since that time have been eagerly anticipating the day when the leading journal for college media research returned to publication.

Today, it is a reality.

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Research (Vol. 60): Starting a conversation

Starting a conversation: An exploration of the state of student media websites at Historically Black Colleges and Universities


Student media at HBCUs have declined precipitously since 2000 yet provide a significant look at issues meaningful to the Black communities they represent and cover. This study uses content analysis of existing student media websites to assess the state of student media at HBCUs. It finds several notable trends. Frequency of content updates varies, yet student-run news websites are not typically updated daily and are likely updated only when breaking news occurs or when students have new content to post. Stories covering student government or administration were uncommon, and nearly half of the websites did not offer any form of advertising.  Medium-sized HBCUs were more likely to have active social media compared to smaller-sized HBCUs, and public HBCUs were more likely to have some form of a media independence statement on their website. These descriptive data provide a starting point for conversations about an important media source and training ground for future Black journalists.

Keywords: HBCU, student media, news websites, content analysis

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Research (Vol. 60): Full Court Press

Full Court Press: Fighting Restrictions on Student Journalists At  Private Universities


Research and advocacy on student press freedom at the collegiate level often occurs in the context of laws on free expression and open government. However, student journalists at more than half of U.S. colleges and universities—those that are private rather than public—are not protected by the First Amendment and sunshine laws. Due to their lack of legal protections, scholars have suggested that student journalists at private institutions may choose to self-censor rather than report on campus controversies. This case study focuses on three instances when collegiate journalists at a private institution did not self-censor, but rather took the opposite approach, reporting aggressively on student press freedom conflicts. Our content analysis finds the depth and breadth of coverage—a “full court press” approach—suggests strategic attempts by student journalists to use media effects models such as agenda setting, priming, and framing to mobilize support for press freedom and ward off potential retaliation by administrators.

Keywords: college newspapers, press freedom, private institutions, media effects, agenda setting, framing

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Research (Vol. 60): Their Voices are Green

Their Voices Are Green: An Analysis of Environmental Themes
in College Magazines 2018–2022


Campus magazines are tasked with producing content to serve and reflect the lifestyle of their campus and community. But, student magazine editors redefined “campus culture” in content choices, as life outside campus changed amid culture wars in 2018, a mass shooting in a Florida high school, historic floods and wildfire, a global pandemic, the Sunshine Movement and COP26. Through these historic events, editors – particularly in Editor’s Note – chose to use their voices to redefine “campus culture” and call for their generation to live with intention and accountability.

Editions from three nationwide contests were sampled 2018-2022 to examine environmental content focusing on three variables: Cover, Table of Contents, and Editor’s Note. Prominent themes that appeared through semiotic analysis are climate change; policy; food; distribution / system; fashion: art / beauty; solutions; activism; pollution; hazard / crisis weather; conservation; sustainability. A review of 55 publication and 135 elements shows climate change, solutions, and activism dominate discussion, with editors introducing content in more than half their columns not found in edition content. Cover art results show 59% contained some environmental element while Table of Contents amplified environmental content with 61% . Framing was measured by how creators located their content: how is their commonsense of environment defined: as a global, local, or campus intent? Results show writers based their environmental concern on campus than in urban environments, while analysis of institutions shows private colleges produced the majority of environmental content.

Key Words: Environment, Campus Media, Magazine, Semiotic Analysis, Framing

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Research (Vol. 60): Reaching new audiences

Reaching New Audiences: Student News Organizations’ Spanish-language Coverage


U.S. universities are increasingly adding programs related to Spanish-language media. Such programs may result in more student-produced Spanish-language content. Through a content analysis (N=300) of articles, this research explores what student publications are covering in Spanish. Student-produced Spanish-language newspapers prioritized news and campus coverage; nearly half of the articles directly referenced Hispanic or Latinx communities. Differences with regard to funding, public vs. private, and Hispanic-serving Institution status are discussed.

Keywords: College Newspapers, Spanish, Hispanic-serving Institutions, News Deserts

Methods: Content Analysis

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Weathering the storm

Strategies for sustaining student media in times of crisis

By Patti Piburn and Kim Lisagor Bisheff 


Student reporters in KCPR, using remote technologies, continued producing and broadcasting live news on-air throughout the pandemic and during subsequent disruptions. This qualitative case study examines the remote strategies adopted by the station in the lockdown to determine what should remain, with two goals in mind: keeping broadcast student media going in a future crisis and better equipping journalism graduates. Semi-structured interviews with graduates who were part of the radio news team before, during and after the pandemic reveal that they acquired and refined crucial soft skills during their remote student media experience. The graduates report that their experience equipped them for a “new normal” in the workplace. They described gaining such soft skills as confidence, resilience and adaptability as well as improved organization, communication and collaboration. While in-person reporting is preferred, blending remote work, and the technologies that support it, into student media makes the organization more resilient and better prepares students for transformed newsrooms. Continue reading “Weathering the storm”

RESEARCH: Student media coverage of censorship and press freedom

Student news organizations have long experienced various forms of censorship.


This qualitative pilot study (N=46) examines articles on college newspaper websites to explore how student news organizations cover issues of press freedom and censorship. The researchers used a grounded theory approach to explore common themes of coverage and potential differences between private and public institutions’ approach to such topics. The findings indicate there are four broad areas of interest: explanation of the role of journalism, industry challenges, censorship, and college-specific issues of press freedom and speech. This pilot study will serve to inform a larger content analysis.


According to the Student Press Law Center, censorship is “any restrictions on your publication’s coverage or operations by anyone who works for the school or is acting on behalf of the school (like student government officials)” (Dean 2021, para. 1). Outright acts of censorship can be seen, for example, when in 2013, The Fauman at Florida A&M University was “suspended from publishing, its adviser removed and its staff told they must reapply for their positions” (Gregory 2013). In a case study of different college newsrooms, it was found that “that administrators who engage in censorship appear to do so when the newspaper publishes unflattering coverage of the university” (Matlock 2021, 97). Continue reading “RESEARCH: Student media coverage of censorship and press freedom”

Research (Vol. 55) Exploring how college media advisers teach accuracy

Putting accuracy education theory into practice

By Kirstie Hettinga
California Lutheran University

Accuracy — Hitting the Target in journalism education

Abstract: Accuracy is the foundation of news media, but how and where journalism students learn about accuracy may be less understood. Previous research found that popular journalism textbooks varied in covering this topic. If textbooks are not teaching accuracy, where do students learn about being accurate? Eleven current advisers representing four-year public and private schools as well as community colleges participated in a moderated discussion at the 2017 Associated Collegiate Press midwinter convention. The participants were most interested in activities and assignments to practice being accurate, rather than higher-level discussions of accuracy. Directions for future research are also discussed.  Continue reading “Research (Vol. 55) Exploring how college media advisers teach accuracy”

Learn about publishing opportunities at spring CMA convention session

Spring Convention is March 7-10 in NYC

By Lisa Lyon Payne
CMR Editor

Advisers interested in dipping their toes in the academic research waters of college media are invited to attend a session on publishing opportunities in College Media Review at the CMA Spring National College Media Convention in New York March 7-10.

The session is designed to encourage and motivate both established and emerging scholars to consider a contribution to CMA’s research journal. For those interested in the idea of research, but unsure where or how to start, consider the following five ideas to jump start your scholarship: Continue reading “Learn about publishing opportunities at spring CMA convention session”

CMR’s Research Annual 2017 available for download

College Media focus of research activities

College Media Review’s Research Annual is now available for download from this site.

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Volume 54 for CMR contains peer-reviewed research relating to college media and its practitioners that was published by the College Media Review (CMReview.org) during the 2016-2017 Academic Year.

To download a copy of this volume, CLICK HERE. Non-member downloads here will be available for a limited time. Members can access past CMR material inboxed the members only section of there CMA website.

For previous editions of the Research Annual, see the “Archive” link on the left column of the home page.

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