#CollegeMedia weekly chats on Twitter to continue

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CMA members team to help facilitate continuation of Reimold initiative on Sunday evenings

The #CollegeMedia Twitter chats started by Dan Reimold are expected to continue Sundays at 7 p.m. EST.

The weekly #CollegeMedia chats on Twitter that Dan Reimold started to highlight the myriad positives in college media are continuing, thanks to the work of Brett Fera, interim director for Arizona Student Media/The Daily Wildcat, and Candace Baltz, director of Oregon State’s Orange Media Network.

Baltz was the “real catalyst” to continuing the popular chats, according to Fera.

“This is without a doubt ‘by committee.’ Candace and I have each hosted one of the two #CollegeMedia chats since Dan’s passing, and I can pretty much guarantee that it won’t be just the two of us moving forward. There is a core group who have been regular contributors in recent weeks,” Fera said.

Said Baltz: “These weekly Twitter chats are one very small part of what Dan did for our industry. His real talent was in building individuals up by calling attention to the interesting decisions being made behind the scenes in student newsrooms everywhere, and the good work being done by advisers and student journalists on any given college campus. He leaves an enormous hole in College Media.”

Fera stressed that neither he nor Baltz was “in any way trying to take Dan’s place.”

“That’s just not possible,” he said.

The online chats, Fera noted, are great resources for advisers, but would be “nothing without the student input and experiences.”

It’s expected the #CollegeMedia Twitter chat will continue to held at 7 p.m. EST on Sunday. Archives of the twitter chats will be housed temporarily at https://storify.com/brettfera,